Social Groups

For locations and information about each group please contact Lori Schwan at 239-939-1218 ext. 237.

Seniors on the Go
The Seniors on the Go meet every month for a fellowship meal, presentation, or various activities. Even though the title implies that you need to be 65 or older, you won’t be carded at the door! Check the bulletin board in front of the sound booth for current information and signups!  We meet the second Sunday of the month after late service, in the cafeteria.  

Prayer Shawl

Our prayer shawl ministry would like to invite any ladies who are interested in sewing, quilting, knitting or crocheting to join them every third Thursday at 9:00 a.m.  This is a service group that makes blankets, Baptism napkins, prayer shawls, bibs for nursing homes and dolls for Christmas. They meet in the ELC building – the meeting usually ends at 11:30 a.m. before lunch.