Prayer Requests:
- The family of Diane Hendry
- Jack Wayne (nephew of Debbie Wayne)
- Roberta Friesner (friend of Debby Gentry)
- John Gentry
- Carla Blom (sister of Melissa Blom)
- Sandie Klein (friend of Margot and Ron Freitag)
- Julie Berchtold
- Scott (friend of Kevin and Linda Wittenauer)
- Delio (friend of Phil Fabry)
- Joe Boe (grandson of Tom Boe)
- Justin Johnson (son of Sam and Cindy Johnson)
- First United Methodist Church
- Irene Gohsman (sister-in-law of Sally Bekemeier)
- Dave (brother of Merle Huebner)
- Son of Dale and Lynn (friends of Merle and Vic Huebner)
- Dale (friend of Merle and Vic Huebner)
- Family member of Gina Marie Schreiber
- Judith Harding (grandmother of David Hage)
- Tony Salafia (father of Cheryl LeDoux, school parent)
- Shannon Egan
- Kathy Muscat
- Shay Burress
- Tony Bombassaro (brother-in-law of Stephanie Bellino)
- Gisele Gentile
- Wayne, Michelle, Rachel and Emma Schwartz (friends of Stephanie Bellino)
- Holly Teeter
- Homebound members of St. Michael